Marine Loading Arm B0300

+371 67611176 +371 67611176
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Savilcēji, stiprinājumi

Savilcēji, stiprinājumi

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Marine Loading Arm B0300

Marine Loading Arm B0300

Marine Loading Arm B0300

Our B0300 Marine Loading Arm has been designed for any application where it is essential to keep the product pipe consistently the same size for either economical or technical reasons, e.g. cryogenic products down to -168 °C, piggable systems and PTFE-lining.

This design has proven its reliability for many years.

The B0300 design includes a special support structure for the standpost, inboard and outboard arm and separates any mechanical loads imposed to the product pipe, except the dead-weight and internal pressure loads.

Additionally this provides optimum operational safety aspects, low weight of the arm and lowest wind loads imposed on the jetty structure.

Balancing of the arm is achieved by a rigid link pantograph system with independent counterweights directly  linked to the inboard and outboard arm. This ensures accurate balance throughout all maneuvering and connecting positions.

The advantages over hose loading facilities are:

The B0300 is designed for hydraulic operation and can be fitted with the most sophisticated ancillary equipment.

Sizes:4" up to 16"

Pressure ratings: PN 10 up to PN 40

Materials: Carbon steel, Low temperature steel, Stainless steel

Temperature range: -168°  to +200° C

Customized solutions available on request.


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