DSE Steam Hose

+371 67611176 +371 67611176

DSE Steam Hose

DSE Steam Hose

DSE Steam Hose

Application: Suitable for conveying saturated steam and hot wa­ter.


Electrically conductive: Resistance R < 10Ohm.

Notice: Good resistance to many commercial cleaning agents. If using cleaning agents, please refer to our separate information sheet.

ATTENTION: Use only suitable fittings (clamp fit­ tings according to EN 14423:2005).

ATTENTION: Superheated steam shortens consid­ erably the service life of the hose!

ATTENTION: Please refer to the saturated steam ta­ ble.

Temperature range: +204°C (saturated steam), +95° C (hot water).

Safety factor: Steam 10: 1, Water 3.15: 1

Tube: EPDM, black, smooth, electrically conductive.

Reinforcement: Steel wire braided, zinc-plated.

Cover: EPDM, black, electrically conductive, cloth im­ pression.

Marking: Continuous transfer tape – black writing, red background: "SEMPERIT S DSE Sattdampf /Saturated Steam 204° C PN 16bar R< 10Ohm".